Attendance in Wisconsin Connections Academy is performance-based, as logged by the Learning Coach on the on-line system. It is measured not only by marking attendance (P for present), but also by the successful submission of lessons, assessments, talking with the teachers, attending virtual class, etc.
Wisconsin Statue 118.40(8)(g) outlines procedures for both compulsory school attendance and for students who fail to participate. The stateue provides that the third time in the same semester that a virtual charter school pupil fails to respond appropriately to a school assignment or directive from instructional staff within five school days, not only will the parent/guardian be notified, but the following will occur:
- Appleton Area School District’s Board of Education will be notified.
- The school board of the pupil’s local resident school district will be notified
- The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) will be notified.
- The Appleton Area School District may transfer the pupil to the pupil’s resident school district. (Pupils who reside within the boundaries of the Appleton Area School District will be transferred to their home school within the district boundaries.)
Marking Attendance:
Learning Coaches are only to be marking “P” for Present in Connexus. “E” (excused absence) should be marked by your student’s teacher. “V” (vacation) is to only be used when school is officially not in session as determined by the school calendar. “N” (no education activity) is to only be used on weekends. If your student is unable to attend school, please email your teacher letting him/her know of the circumstance. Students are only allowed 5 excused absences per semester. On Friday of each week, please verify that you have taken attendance for the entire week. If attendance is not current, your student’s attendance will become locked and you will be referred to Mrs. Mueller the school’s administrator. If your family is going on vacation and not schooling during the vacation, Learning Coaches are required to complete a Notification of Absence Due to Family Trip one week prior to leaving. Forms can be found in the virtual library under My School: Wisconsin.